Black Kitty    Black Kitty    Black Kitty    Black Kitty   
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 *Cell: (650) 504-1056
*[email protected]

Black Kitty  (ID: 004705)

Breeds: Domestic Short Hair Gender: Male
Color: Black
Age: approximate date of birth
Category: Adult Cat


Hi, I’m Black Kitty, a 16lb hunka hunka of burning love! I’ve been a community cat in Davis since at least 2023, and late last year, a kind person befriended me. Her plan was to TNR me (Trap-Neuter-Return to my outdoor home) but I was friendlier than anticipated and tested positive for the feline leukemia virus (FeLV). I’m not showing any symptoms and I am healthy, but because it is easily spread and can weaken immune systems, it was decided that I should be an indoor cat, and the only cat at that (though I can coexist with other FeLV cats). Now, before you get all scared, know that with the right stress-free environment, a healthy diet and preventative or regular vet visits, I can still have a wonderful, long, happy life. And before you get bummed that you can have only one cat with me in your life, just know that I am plenty of cat to fulfill all of your needs! I’ll cuddle, play, chill, or whatever you like. The clincher? I need a new home quickly. I’m currently hanging in a garage but let’s be honest, it’s not ideal, so finding me a home with no other cats is the goal. Meet me or find out more by contacting Debbie at [email protected] or (650) 504-1056. P.S. Read more about FeLV from the Cornell Feline Health Center here:

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